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Visit Thanet Shared Story toolkit and image Library

Thank you for registering with our photo library. 

Before you can download any images we need you to read the following because your use of the images is under a royalty-free, non-transferable, non-exclusive licence which means you are not receiving copyright to the images. 

The licence that governs your use of the images you download sets out, amongst other things, what the images can and can’t be used for.

It is not possible to split the copyright in any one image to everyone that wishes to use it.

We also need to reasonably control, how our images are used by you to ensure they are used only in a manner consistent with our aim of promoting [business/tourism] in our area.

The full licence terms are available. Main points include:

  1. You may only use the images to promote your [business or tourism].  This means you may only use them in your own promotional material or website.  You may not use the images in business listings or adverts of any kind in any other third party website or publication.
  2. You are not permitted to send the images to anyone else, sell them or licence them to any other party.
  3. Thanet District Council will not be liable for any loss costs claims or actions made against you in connection with your use of the images.
  4. Because we are not transferring copyright in the images to you it is vital that you only use the images under the terms of this licence because additional use (without obtaining an additional licence and paying any appropriate fee from us) could expose you to a claim for copyright infringement.

Please note that you will be asked to tick to confirm that you have read and understood both this short summary of the licence terms and conditions and importantly, the full licence terms and conditions when you place an order for images.  Full terms and conditions can be viewed here