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Access to research is essential if you are planning to invest in a new business or develop an existing enterprise.

The Thanet Tourism team has brought together the key information you will need to discover more about Thanet, the local and national tourism industry, and the latest visitor trends to help you identify and grow your target markets.


About Thanet

Kent County Council has collated facts and figures about the County's people and its economy.

Thanet Statistics/State of the District 


Economic Impact of Tourism in Thanet

The Thanet Tourism Team, in partnership with Visit Kent, undertakes regular research into the value and volume of tourism to the district taking advantage of the industry standard Cambridge Economic Impact Model.

This research informs the development of tourism policies for the district and helps businesses develop existing and new markets.

The research takes place every two years.

The 2023 Cambridge Model research figures show the impact on the Isle of Thanet’s visitor economy 


Visit Kent Business Barometer

The Kent Business Barometer is a monthly snapshot of tourism business performance across the county. Key statistics – such as visitor numbers, bookings and occupancy – are collated from around 45 attractions, 350 accommodation providers, 15 conference venues, 5 cross channel carriers and 14 Visitor Information Centres.

The Barometer helps businesses benchmark performance, identify trends and tailor marketing campaigns appropriately. If you would like to contribute confidentially to the Visit Kent Business Barometer contact Ruby Russ



VisitBritain’s business website provides in-depth market intelligence about tourism across the country.

VisitBritain Insights and Statistics


Other Tourism Industry Research Resources


Tourism South East

Researchers with specialist industry expertise offer tailored visitor satisfaction surveys, project evaluations and economic impact studies taking advantage of face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, email and online questionnaires.

Tourism South East Research